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From Report Card to Criminal Record: The Impact of Policing Oakland Youth
In the name of public safety, Black children in Oakland are being arrested at vastly disproportionate rates. This derails their opportunities for educational success while failing to ensure our children’s safety. From Report Card to Criminal Record: The Impact of Policing Oakland Youth describes the various and overlapping law enforcement agencies which police Oakland’s children. It reveals disturbing trends in disproportionate arrests and law enforcement contacts with youth of color, coupled with the under funding of counselors, mental health professionals, and others whose presence could work to reduce the need for law enforcement. The information contained in this report comes from data obtained directly from
Oakland Unified School District, the Oakland School Police Department, the Oakland Police
Department, and Alameda County Probation.
Oakland Unified School District, the Oakland School Police Department, the Oakland Police
Department, and Alameda County Probation.
Listing Details
Link to Original Source
www.publiccounsel.org/tools/assets/files/0436.pdf(1550 visits)
Resource Type
Resource Topic
balanced and restorative justice (BARJ), collaboration, data, disproportionality, evidence based program (EBP), expulsion, law enforcement, mental health, police, probation, school arrest, school counselors, school discipline, school push out, school resource officers, suspension, trauma, trauma informed, juvenile justice
Black Organizing Project, Public Counsel, and the ACLU of Northern California
Published Date
00 2013
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