Keywords: Supportive
All children and youth have a human right to quality public education in safe and supportive learning environments. Such an education provides a foundation for access to higher education, meaningful employment and full participation in society. Although a ...
Excerpt from website Continuing the efforts of the Federal Supportive School Discipline Initiative, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education* are pleased to announce the next event in the 2014 Supportive School Discipline (SSD) Webinar Series. T ...
Excerpt from website This sixth Webinar in the 2014 series, School Discipline Laws and Regulations will be held on June 11, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. ET. This 90-minute Webinar will provide an in-depth review of the Compendium of School Discipline Laws and R ...
Excerpt from website This is the third Webinar in the 2014 series, Guiding Principle 1: Fostering Positive School Climate to Prevent Behavioral Issues and Promote Student Success. This 90-minute Webinar provides an in-depth review of Guiding Principle ...
Excerpt from website This fifth Webinar in the 2014 series, Guiding Principle 3: Equity and Continuous Improvement will be held on April 29, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. ET. This 90-minute Webinar will provide an in-depth review of Guiding Principle #3 as ou ...
Excerpt from website This Webinar provides the knowledge that school, district, and court staff, law enforcement and legal personnel, youth, families, and other community stakeholders need to better understand how the use of youth courts in schools c ...
Excerpt from website This Webinar provides the knowledge that school, district, and court staff, law enforcement and legal personnel, youth, families, and other community stakeholders need to better understand how the use of youth courts in schools ...
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